Saturday, February 15, 2020


AN ANALYSIS OF THE PERSUASIVE TECHNIQUES USED IN DOVE REAL BEAUTY SKETCHES - Essay Example The film, which compares, the images of women and strangers about various women uses numerous persuasion techniques to capture the attention of the viewers. An analysis of the persuasion techniques that the film uses is essential in understanding the reason why the video captured a market of fifteen million viewers within one month. Cialdini’s Weapons of Persuasion Cialdini describes successful marketing as a science rather than magic or luck. The author argues that public proof is one of the principles of successful persuasion, and marketers should make use of it by proving to their customers that other people have also tried their products or services (Cialdini, 1993). The Dove film uses social proof by showing the viewer the participants of the research, and how they described themselves. A viewer sees the women who took part in the research, and how they described themselves while behind a curtain. Viewers can also see the artist who sketched the appearances of the women a s well as the strangers who described them during the study. This creates an impression in the mind of the viewer that there are other people who believe that they are beautiful more than the way they think (Perloff, 2010). ... The strangers who describe the women also take part in the study in the same location and they answer the same questions (Dove, 2013). The viewers of the film think that the experience is real because of this consistency that the firm maintained throughout the study. Therefore, the audience is persuaded by the reality factor in the film, and they begin to view themselves in a more positive way. Older women also begin to view themselves as young and enthusiastic beings as Cialdini argues that they are more prone to inconsistency (Sullivan, 2008). The researcher argues that they prefer consistency and commitment more than the young because of their old age, which takes away most of their energy. Therefore, the consistency in the film may capture the attention of the elderly more than the young. Aristotle’s Artistic Proofs Aristotle argues that speakers have to persuade to their audience using their personal characteristics, proving to them, and ensuring that they influence their minds (Heinrichs, 2007). The lack of these elements is unproductive leading to low sales and profits for marketers. Ethos is the first technique that Aristotle describes as the art of creating authority and credibility to the audience (Oshaughnessy, 2004). This means that the audience is persuaded by speakers who have the qualifications to perform the tasks. The Dove film uses ethos in that the artist who sketches the women has the knowledge of sketching images in a perfect manner. Gil, Zamora, the artist is a forensic sketch artiste who has experience in drawing the sketches of over three thousand criminals (Dove, 2013). The artist also speaks in an authoritative way as he asks women to describe their

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Counter Terrorism Planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Counter Terrorism Planning - Essay Example 15). This paper is aimed at providing a planning for Counter Terrorism (CT) planning with the help of setting up a training organization. Different actions: Having the supports and positive contributions from the global community in performing almost any accomplishment lends credibility as well as legitimacy to those feats. This is in the most excellent consideration associated with the United States for gathering the support of different allies, friends, as well as the global community when performing preemptive strikes. Nevertheless, if the extent of the danger is of such kind of scale or impending incidence ‘that time is of the essence’, the United States should swiftly perform preemptive strikes as well as the United States should act unilaterally. After America, people of this organization and its allies are safe; this will then be regarded as the conscientiousness of the nation and also of the organization to give a compelling folder to the global community on why these people have acted. The organization must not hold themselves above the inspection and judgment related to the global community. Global support lends to greater credibility. ... us establishing different new partnerships; counterfeiting bilateral as well as multilateral collaboration; and also targeting their preemptive strike policies or strategies against antagonistic states and violent terrorist. Unilateral action must not be implemented lengthily or in a negligent manner. Unilateral action must be the exemption, while multilateral action must be the standard they must strive to attain. If unable to attain multilateral agreement, collaboration or agreement then the nation and the organization must take action alone in their national interest. Different multilateral operations while preferred have important time as well as expediency limitations that may be complex to overcome or attain. They will continue to construct coalitions to support their efforts, and also to look for different multilateral support for the purpose of preemptive strike processes. With such immense threats to the organization and also to the United States as well as the greater globa l community, this is very important that these people of organization work intimately with like-minded nations on an inclusive preventive, preemption, as well as deterrence strategy. Hence these people must attempt greater level of multilateral collaboration within the capabilities as well as limitations of the global community, however in the dearth of collaboration or time they should be prepared to take action unilaterally (Westphal, 2003, p. 14). The organisation must also take care of the people’s safety issue by restricting illegal activities within the country (COMMONWEALTH, 2009, p. 19). Tasks Conditions Standards Setting up anti-terrorist group Coordination from government and private sectors for funding and man-power High-level of standard in terms of modern and developed